Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Transforming the Dawn

Dancing in the predawn grays
eastern sky awakened
in a blaze of pinks and purples
after a night of rain

As if she herself
was calling the dawn
by her dancing;
everything melted away

There was only
this moment,
only these seconds
before dawn burst forth

Feet moved lightly
leaving glistening footprints
in dew covered grass

Fingertips stretched upwards
against the sky  
for a brief pause

Before the dance brought
feather-light hands
arcing slowly downward
momentum carrying her forward

Pinks and purples faded
as shades of orange hues
streaked unhindered
across the heavens

Moved by Divine grace
dark faded to light
and a brilliant orb
crested the horizon

She continued to dance
to a tune only she could hear
floating across the meadow
as if on the clouds themselves

A last twirl, movement ceased
in stillness, she waited
face raised to the dawning
silence engulfed her

A cresting of the horizon
and wave upon wave
of wondrous, glorious brilliance
filled her soul.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


In gradual slowness
pale grayness crept in
silencing the sun
its steady movement
sometimes silhouetted
by darker steel gray

Wind strengthened
acorns slammed
on the roof, deck, ground
making me jump
setting my heart
to pounding

Rain sat in the heaviness …
waiting … waiting …
waiting for the right moment,
for the right darkness
before releasing its weight
to pummel anything below.