Saturday, December 5, 2020

Eating Disorder updated


I told my body

it was OK to eat

when I am hungry


Only I

didn’t specify

what kind of hunger


So I eat when I am

hungry for love

hungry for acceptance

hungry for … oh, whatever


And I eat

to quiet the gnawing

to fill the emptiness

to quell the loneliness


My hunger turns ravenous

in an attempt to bridge the gap

over I don’t know what


No food seems to help

and the hunger

continues to eat


at my soul like an acid

creating a bigger hole

until I am crippled

in despair and misery


It took years

to realize the hunger

wasn’t about food

or filling my belly


It took years

to realize the hunger

was a deep need to feed

my creative desires.


--I wrote the main idea of this poem years ago and have now given it re-birth