Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Photo’s Inspiration

Sometimes the lines

across the page

take on a different

kind of pace


Lines that do not match

the guiding photograph

decide their own

unique course

breaking free

of what was planned


To chart its own course

I let my hand move

sometime doubting

but also trusting the process


In the end

the painting tells me

when it is done

and I am satisfied.

Free Fall Painting

I stare at the photo

but my hand

takes on

a mind of its own


It won’t listen to

what my eyes see,

refuses to connect

to my logical mind


What I think I see

doesn’t transmit

to the strokes

falling on the page


Something else

takes over my hand

forming their own shapes

similar, but not quite like the photo


I’m in free fall

as the painting seems to

dictate where to move

my hand


I can’t stop

and can’t tell

what is me

and what is the painting


Suddenly it lets me go

I back away

from the easel

 and look back


Its unique voice

echoes through me,

not in real words, pleading,

“Make me, create me”


But once my logical mind

kicks in

the moments are passed and

the self-questioning begins.