Sunday, October 4, 2020

White Water and Creative Banks

Paddling the middle of a raging river

its white water threatens to swamp my boat

as I strong-arm my way

through life’s journey


On either side

the banks of creativity

full of beautiful scenery

await the pen or pastel


Bushes of words on one side

grasses of paint strokes on the other

cajole me, encourage me,

beg me to stop



the choice is easy

as to which side

I’ll pull my boat



the pull from both sides

is demanding

Do I paint or write?


And sometimes

the river is so strong

with life’s issues

I can’t pull out of the current


Long arms of creativity

shadowy reflections across the water

reach with ghostlike fingers

to pull me from my boat


The call to create

is overpowering

If I don’t heed its plea

I will be devoured by the river


I’m torn to which side

to rest my boat on

but know, too, whichever choice

will be the right one.